Growing up in Melbourne's West; Alex Floate is a hard working individual with a passion for everything games related. He completed his bachelor's degree in Game Design at 2014 at Qantm/SAE and then went on to complete a masters degree in 2017 in Animation, Games and Interactivity at RMIT University.
Alex has a passion for emergent technologies and new ways in which people can interact inside their games, including Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.
In 2016 Alex competed in the International Games Concept Challenge hosted by Samsung and Nanyang Polytechnic in Singapore. He received a bronze medal for his game "Madness of the Midguard Serpent", a VR prototype for the Samsung GearVR platform.
Alex also has a decade of experience at the storefront level, having worked at EB Games Highpoint since 2007 as a keyholder.